Resilience training for your body, mind, and energy

A new approach to stress and recovery

Stress with a purpose

Cold exposure is when you purposefully stress your body, mind, and nervous system with controlled extreme cold to build resilience and confidence. Consistent practice enhances our mental & physical ability to cope with and adapt to other challenging conditions.

Show up as your authentic self in
even the most stressful circumstances.

50 minutes / 4 people group / fully-guided sessions


We start by forming a connection to the body through conscious breathing.

It is a way to influence the nervous system— to consciously impact our responses to stress and to prepare our mind and body for the upcoming intentional stress.

Movement & Meditation

We move gently to support the body’s transition back to normal temperature, enhance flexibility, and promote muscle recovery.

Lastly, we meditate together to integrate the experience, reinforcing the stress adaptation benefits by fostering a state of mindfulness, emotional balance, and mind and body connection. 

Cold exposure

We dip into ice and overcome the discomfort together.

The water ranges from 4° - 8°C and we aim to stay in it between 3 - 5 mins. This is ideal for resilience training as it is cold enough to "shock" the system, safe enough to stay long to learn to adapt, yet not so cold it would frostnip the skin with severe pain.

The duration of an individual ice bath session is not the metric for success because resilience training is to build adaptability and mental fortitude gradually, focusing on consistency over long periods.







honest · open · optimistic ·

On a mission to change how we approach stress and recovery